With the blessings of Pujya Sri Kanchi Sankaracharya Shankara Vijeyendra Saraswathi Swamigal , Brahmasri Gopala Deekshidhar Vedha Patasala inauguration happened on Wednesday October 18, 2023 at Kandamangalam village. One adhyapakar, 12 vidhyarthis and two cooks (husband and wife) is currently staying in the padasala. The patasala needs atleast one lakh rupees every month to run. We kindly request your support for this noble cause. You can setup recurring monthly contributions through your bank or can make a yearly contribution using any of the options below. Thank you for your support.
Sri Kanchi Periyava blessing and advising adyapakar Narayanan at Kasi
Adyapakar (teacher) Narayanan (wearing glasses) being blessed by Sri Kanchi Periyava
How you can help us
Please use any of the following method to make a donation
- Please check with your employer giving program for "Sri Gopala Deekshidhar Vedha Rakshana Trust" for matching eligiblity and if eligible please donate through your employer giving program.
- Please use the phone number 763-245-6789 to transfer funds using Zelle.
- Please use US. BANK, Routing number 091000022, Account number 104786539478 for direct depost.
- Please use @vedharakshana to pay through venmo.
- Please visit paypal.me/vedharakshana to donate through PayPal (2.5% fee charged by Paypal).
- You can write check to “Sri Gopala Deekshidhar Vedha Rakshana Trust” and mail it to the address SGDVR Trust, 17332 77th Ave N, Maple Grove, MN 55311.
Baskar Gopalan
President, Sri Gopala Deekshidhar Vedha Rakshana Trust
Email: [email protected]
Phone#: 763-245-6789
Address: 17332 77th Ave N, Maple Grove, MN 55311
Website: www.vedharakshana.org